April 8th-13th, 2013

New Dungeon Crawl Classics Support
This week we returned to the dungeon with David Pryzbyla's AL 4: The Waystation for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Games.

The Dwarves of Upanesh were prosperous and widespread; their transport/mining system was efficient and admirable.  Their ancient downfall was tragic, but not without its heroes. Minoc Manshield and his mystical hammer Stone Fist, tools of the great god Upan saved many of his people and took many invaders with him, in the humble battleground of a Waystation… can you pierce the subterranean depths and recover Stone Fist?  Who or what still remains in that desolate domain of death?

The Waystation is a DCC adventure designed for four to eight third level characters, that can easily be dropped into your campaign for a short ‘detour’, or be part of further adventures in the realms of the Upanesh. Stone Fist awaits! 

All products in the Adventure Locale line present one or more dungeons that can be quickly picked up and used for a session of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.

This product is based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, published by Goodman Games. This product is published under license. Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC RPG are trademarks of Good­man Games. All rights reserved. For additional infor­mation, visit www.goodman-games.com or contact info@goodman-games.com.

Rules Set: DCC RPG
Writer: David Pryzbyla
Page Count: 19 pages
Artwork: Luigi Castellani, Marc Radle
Cartography: Kristian Richards

The Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game supplements were our most profitable sector last year with AL 1, AL 2, and AL 3 taking the top three earnings spots on the Purple Duck Games bottom line. Thank you to the fans of DCC for supporting 3rd party publishers.


New Publisher Resources
The week we released a whack of new stock art from Carlos Torreblanca. Carlos wrote and illustrated Celurian's Magical Miscellany. All of the artwork from this project is now up on sale as stock art as a collection and soon individually as well.  


We have stock art agreements with several of our artists and have over 300 pieces currently available at very reasonable prices.
New Reviews
We have garnered a few more reviews this week. 

Endzeitgeist (Runelord of Evaluation) took a look at two products for us this week. 
Stardust Productions reviewed Carlos's Female Half-Orc Monk and gave it a 5 star rating because it was exactly what they were looking for in a project piece.

If you are interested in looking at the options Ryan created for humans or Carlos's unique magic items you can check it out at any of our vendors in the sidebar. If you are interested in the stock art Stardust Productions reviewed you can currently only find it at Rpgnow.

Next Week
Should be onto the Silver Age of Comics with Deus ex Historica. Sean O'Connor's Player's Options: Humans should be ready to go and hopefully I'll get out some more Purple Duck Games stuff as well.


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