April 14th-20th, 2013

4 Winds Fantasy Gaming Updates
First up for new releases is Sean O'Connor's next contribution to the Paths of Power II: Paths of Blood.

Player's Option: Elves
Player's Options: Elves [PFRPG]

Every era and every culture has legends, long believed, of a fairy folk that lives long years, collects knowledge like sweet acorns, and possesses a casual magic beyond the greatest efforts of men. Elves.

Tall, graceful, beautiful, skilled; creatures of the forest, occasionally visiting the realms of lesser races. And while most (with notable exceptions) hold to the standards of good and the preservation of nature, there are those who become jaded with the weight of long life, and seek purposes somewhat less noble, pursuable only by those of their eldritch otherness. For their ways are not the ways of other races, and their power is the power of ages, with no limits.

Presented here are several options for your elven character, including two variant races, and numerous feats, flaws and equipment, to revitalize an intriguing race as old as fantasy gaming, as old as civilization itself... Easily introduced into your Pathfinder-compatible campaign!

This product is part of the Paths of Power II: Paths of Blood subscription.

Next was a new release in the Deus ex Historica series. 

The Radar Family - Art by Kate Bradley
Ripped from the pages of Deus ex Historica.

The Radar Family is a short collection of three linked heroes: Radar Man, Sky Wave, and Sonar Girl
This release contains details three silver age heroes PL 10/8/10.

This is the 21th in a series of releases that will make up the final Deus ex Historica. The entire series can be picked up as part of an affordable subscription or by individual parts.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License

Purple Duck Games Updates
We have two new releases this week Heroes of the Fenian Triarchy by Josh McCrowell and AL 5: Stars in the Darkness by Daniel J. Bishop.

Lizardman Witch with Bog Mummy by +Ryan Rhodes 
Come to the Fenian Triarchy!
  • Play as Boggards, Feykissed, Grippli, Half-Elves, Humans, or Lizardfolk!
  • Visit the legendary distilleries of Greenwall, the evershifting City of Boats, the grand markets of MacCool, or walk the green in Siobhan.
  • Train as a warrior poet (barbarian), otherworld druid, wild huntsman (ranger), whisky runner (rogue), cunning-folk (wilder method), bog witch, taseck (vitalist method), or vate of Chiuta.
  • Select from four new swamp-related feats.
  • Marvel over a dozen new herbal remedies and tools.
  • Select from even more spells, wondrous items, and psionic powers.
  • Check out the shops extensive equipment lists and make sure you pick up your bottle of Fenian whisky.
There are adventurer tools for everyone in the Fenian Triarchy.

(A first in-depth look at one of the regions of 
the Lands of Porphyra campaign setting.)

What is really awesome

AL 5: Stars in the Darkness (DCC)

AL 5: Stars in the Darkness by Daniel J. Bishop (Raven_Crowking).

The Bridge over Infinity by Christopher Heilmann
In millennia past, the ancestors of the elves protected the stars as they followed their courses, for there are wolves in the outer dark.  Yet what manner of creature would dare to consume stars as though they were sheep in the field?  And what has become of the ancient starherds who once stopped such monsters?  For such a monster is back - Urstah, the Star-Drinker.  Stars are disappearing from the night sky, and with the loss of those stars, luck is being drained from the world.  Your luck.  Dare you enter the caverns, face the star-drinker, and release the stars in darkness?

Stars in the Darkness is a DCC adventure designed for four to eight, third level characters, that can easily be dropped into your campaign.  In it, characters seek to stop an ancient evil from arising, with possibly devastating effects should they fail.  This is our largest, and most epic, adventure for DCC to date.

All products in the Adventure Locale line present one or more dungeons that can be quickly picked up and used for a session of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.

This product is based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, published by Goodman Games. This product is published under license. Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC RPG are trademarks of Good­man Games. All rights reserved. For additional infor­mation, visit www.goodman-games.com or contact info@goodman-games.com.

Rules Set: DCC RPG
Writer: +Daniel Bishop
Page Count: 38 pages
Artwork: Christopher Heilmann
Cartography: +Kristian Richards 

Super Secret Fact: If you use battle maps with DCC, +Kristian Richards has battle maps that can be used for this adventure as well. AL 5 shares the same maps as Purple Mountain III but a completely different and utterly unique DCC experience.

Oh, right I also have a secret code that even lets you get this massive module for a $1 off.

Print-On-Demand versions of AL 4: The Waystation and AL 5: Stars in the Darkness should be ready by June.

Reviews of our Products
- Erik Tenkar of Tenkar's Tavern has a mini-review of AL 4: The Waystation.
- Jeffrey Tadlock of the Iron Tavern has his review of AL 4: The Waystation as well.
- Endzeitgeist has a new review of Robert Thomson's GM's Options: NPCs 2 - Bards, Fighters, and Monks.

We just finished the playtest on Purple Mountain - Level 6 written by Perry Fehr. I believe he's going to take it to do some revisions and maybe by June it could be out. 

Next Release
The next release from Purple Duck Games will be freebie to kick off our Tome of Monsters Encounters series written by Perry Fehr and myself. It may be out next week, but I'm not counting on it because I have a very busy week coming up.


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