Productive Week
It is has been a very productive week at Purple Duck Games. We accomplished many things on both the Purple Duck Games and the 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming sides of the business. To recap this is what has happened.
Deus ex Historica (4WF) - We recently got the subscription for the Deus ex Historica up and running. All the kickstarters that supported the project should have received a link to the subscription and we have put three characters through initial layout and up for sale.
The plan at this point is to get four more characters up a week. Two on Mondays and Two on Thursdays. If I can squeeze more in I will but PDG is not a full-time operation.
Heroes of the Fenian Triarchy (PDG) - Heroes of the Fenian Triarchy is our first of a series of player-focused books that explores the Lands of Porphyra in detail. Written by Josh McCrowell this product clocks in at 52 pages of content is chocked full of information needed for players to build characters from the Fenian Triachy. Its not out for sale, yet because it is currently in print production with Lightning Source. As soon as the files are ready, I will be ordering proofs and then if they look as great as I thin they will we will be releasing it for sale in PDF, B&W POD, SC POD, and PC POD.
Paths of Power II: Paths of Blood (4WF) - Paths of Power II is one of those legacy products by 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming that has been on pre-order for a while but has not had a clear release date. This week, I spoke with Robert and Sean O'Connor about this project and hammered out a final table of contents for it. Most of the product is written in at least draft form, so instead of have you the fans and the writers wait an extended period of time until all i's and t's have been dealt with I'm going to put this up as a subscription as well starting in March. The subscription price will be the same as the final compiled PDF probably $9.99 or $10.99 (I need to check the figures). Some of 4WF existing content was intended to go in here and it still is. The final product should include the following items:
- Race Options (the 7 core; dwarf and halfling out now)
- Aasimar, Tieflings, and Elementalkin (previously out now)
- Class Options (8 new base classes, 1 alternate class, 2 archetypes plus archetypes or options for the classes from Paths of Power, 1 prestige class)
- Flaws (previously out now)
- Techniques and Tools (new feats and equipment)
- Magic (spells and wondrous items)
That is the table of contents for the book as it stands right now.
Monsters of Porphyra (PDG) - Gary continues to hammer away at the art for this project. I need to dedicate some time to actively work on the monster conversions but I am deluding myself that I will all flow like magic as soon as all the art is in. Probably need to take a more active roll in finishing this one up. It has sat for a long time, and with the art almost finished for it there is really no more reason to wait. Did I mention it will be a full-colour monster book?
Lands of Porphyra (PDG) - The first full draft is written. The map is coming along. I slowly working my way through the text as is Tom Baumbach to make sure all the pieces make sense. Its good to have Tom Baumbach voluntarily chipping in on this because he is arm-length from the project. I am very familiar with the world and I'm sure my brain will leap to conclusions that the reader will not. Tom helps provide that perspective.
Celurian's Magic Miscellany (PDG) - This small tome of magic items was designed and illustrated by Carlos "Celurian" Torreblanca. I've started initial layout on this one. I expect it will be available in the early days of March.
AL 4: The Waystation (DCC - PDG) - Has some art being done for it.
AL 5: Stars in the Darkness (DCC - PDG) - Has just gone to editing.
Oh, and I think its time do get to work on finishing this too.----->
It has been a busy, tiring, productive week. The week of the 25th-2nd of March will be busy and tiring for non Purple Duck Games reasons so you might not hear from me much next week, but I'll be back with more news in early March.
Take care everyone.
Deus ex Historica (4WF) - We recently got the subscription for the Deus ex Historica up and running. All the kickstarters that supported the project should have received a link to the subscription and we have put three characters through initial layout and up for sale.
The plan at this point is to get four more characters up a week. Two on Mondays and Two on Thursdays. If I can squeeze more in I will but PDG is not a full-time operation.
Heroes of the Fenian Triarchy (PDG) - Heroes of the Fenian Triarchy is our first of a series of player-focused books that explores the Lands of Porphyra in detail. Written by Josh McCrowell this product clocks in at 52 pages of content is chocked full of information needed for players to build characters from the Fenian Triachy. Its not out for sale, yet because it is currently in print production with Lightning Source. As soon as the files are ready, I will be ordering proofs and then if they look as great as I thin they will we will be releasing it for sale in PDF, B&W POD, SC POD, and PC POD.
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Preliminary Art by Kristen Collins |
- Race Options (the 7 core; dwarf and halfling out now)
- Aasimar, Tieflings, and Elementalkin (previously out now)
- Class Options (8 new base classes, 1 alternate class, 2 archetypes plus archetypes or options for the classes from Paths of Power, 1 prestige class)
- Flaws (previously out now)
- Techniques and Tools (new feats and equipment)
- Magic (spells and wondrous items)
That is the table of contents for the book as it stands right now.
Monsters of Porphyra (PDG) - Gary continues to hammer away at the art for this project. I need to dedicate some time to actively work on the monster conversions but I am deluding myself that I will all flow like magic as soon as all the art is in. Probably need to take a more active roll in finishing this one up. It has sat for a long time, and with the art almost finished for it there is really no more reason to wait. Did I mention it will be a full-colour monster book?
Lands of Porphyra (PDG) - The first full draft is written. The map is coming along. I slowly working my way through the text as is Tom Baumbach to make sure all the pieces make sense. Its good to have Tom Baumbach voluntarily chipping in on this because he is arm-length from the project. I am very familiar with the world and I'm sure my brain will leap to conclusions that the reader will not. Tom helps provide that perspective.
Celurian's Magic Miscellany (PDG) - This small tome of magic items was designed and illustrated by Carlos "Celurian" Torreblanca. I've started initial layout on this one. I expect it will be available in the early days of March.
AL 4: The Waystation (DCC - PDG) - Has some art being done for it.
AL 5: Stars in the Darkness (DCC - PDG) - Has just gone to editing.
Oh, and I think its time do get to work on finishing this too.----->
It has been a busy, tiring, productive week. The week of the 25th-2nd of March will be busy and tiring for non Purple Duck Games reasons so you might not hear from me much next week, but I'll be back with more news in early March.
Take care everyone.
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