Fehr's Ethnology: Avoodim

Avood cleric of Ferrakus by Ryan Rhodes

Fehr's Ehtnology: Avoodim profiles the avoodim race for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

In the Hierarchy of Heaven, the testing of souls for filling the ranks of the Archons is bound to have some that do not quite measure up, that come up short in the requirements of the Most High. Some small flaw, some minor shortcoming may disqualify a soul for front-line service. What the exact process is, no living man may know, but though most who fall short strive to rejoin, improve and better themselves for another try, there are those who give up, ashamed that they were not chosen and lacking the will to try again. These bitter souls are forcibly returned to the world below, into powerful bodies, in the hopes that another chance will change the outcome. These exiles are the avoodim (male avood, female avooda), which means “The Lost” in the corrupted Celestial dialect that they use. Burdened with the pain of their rejection, but gifted in many other ways, they struggle to work out the mote of imperfection in their soul’s eye, and taste again the glory of the Divine.

This release includes:
- ecology of avoodim
- racial characteristics for avoodim characters (including alternate racial characteristics)
- a selection of racial feats
- traits for the avoodim race (if you use traits)
- sample avoodim 1st level character

Available now through our vendor sites.


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