Rpgnow Sales for the Month of April

I've decided that there is no reason for me not to share sales numbers with you. Here are our sale numbers for the month of April 2012 for Rpgnow.

Rpg Products
A Score of Trapped Chests - 5
Antipaladin Feats - 2
Even More Random Encounters Remastered - 5
Fehr's Ethnology: Hundi - 8
Fehr's Ethnology: Ith'n Ya'roo - 4
Forgotten Encounters: Underground - 1
Legendary Classes: Rook - 1
Legendary I: Legendary Blades - 31
Legendary II: Legendary Weapons - 9
Legendary III: Legendary Items - 4
Legendary IV: Legendary Shields - 7
Legendary V: Eastern and Exotic Weapon - 5
Legendary VI: Legendary Armor - 8
Legendary Races: Cyclops - 3
Legendary Races: Medusa - 1
Legendary Races: Rakshasa - 1
Memorable Townsfolk - 10
Monsters Unleashed V.1 - 1
Monsters Unleashed V.2 - 1
Monsters Unleashed V.3 - 2
Monsters Unleashed V.4 - 4
Monsters Unleashed V.5 - 8
Monstrous Races - 2
Monstrous Races: Second Horde - 1
More Random Encounters Remastered 4
Otyughnomicon: Flensing Otyugh - 10
Otyughnomicon: Northern Waste Otyugh - 2
Otyughnomicon: Wyvern Spawn Otyugh - 1
Purple Mountain:Level 1 - 2
Random Encounters Remastered - 4

Fehr's Ethnology - 7

Stock Art
Air Elemental - 2
Arctic Beastman - 2
Demoness - 3
Earth Dragon - 1
Elven City - 2
Exotic Beauty - 2
Eyebeast - 1
Fearsome Stalker - 1
Female Half-Elf - 1
Flaming Skulls - 2
Grappling Hook - 1
Half-Elf Magic User - 4
Lamia - 1
Male Gnome - 1
Male Half-Orc
Nightgaunt - 1
Slave - 3
Young Dragon - 1

All in all not a terrible month. We didn't release a ton of things last month but we did do new layout on Legendary I: Legendary Blades and released Memorable Townsfolk and a couple of Ethnologies. Stock art sales are coming along fairly well. We are still quite a way from getting to the profit sharing level with our artists but we did recoup $56.55 through stock art sales and that funding goes right back into commissioning more artists for more products. There are a number of pieces I haven't even got up on Rpgnow for stock art sale but I have to space them out so that they get adequate time on the front page.

More work to do.

May should bring about Purple Mountain: Level 2, more Ethnologies, the return of heroic moments and Gods of Porphyra.

If you want a peak at all of the art we have been commissioning then check out our pinterest page.


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