April sales at Paizo.com

Here are sales at Paizo.com for comparison purposes.

Roleplaying Game Supplements
80 Awesome Feats and 2 Crappy Ones - 1

A Score of Trapped Chests - 4
Even More Random Encounters Remastered - 1
Fehr's Ethnology: Ith'n Ya'roo - 2
Fehr's Ethnology: Hhundi - 5
Horrors of the GOW
Legendary I: Legendary Blades - 7
Legendary II: Legendary Weapons - 3
Legendary III: Legendary Items - 5
Legendary IV: Legendary Shields -4
Legendary V: Eastern and Exotic - 2
Legendary VI: Legendary Armor - 9
Legendary Classes: The Rook - 2
Legendary Races: Cyclops - 2
Legendary Races: Medusa - 1
Memorable Townsfolk - 3
Monsters Unleashed V.1 - 2
Monsters Unleashed V.2 - 2
Monsters Unleashed V.3 - 2
Monsters Unleashed V.4 - 4
Monsters Unleashed V.5 - 7
Monstrous Races - 7
Monstrous Races: Second Horde - 5
Otyughnomicon: Flensing Otyugh - 4
Purple Mountain: Level 1 - 3
Random Encounters Remastered - 2

Stock Art (I do not have a lot of stock up at Paizo)
Animal Hide - 1
Barbarian Helm - 1
Blessed Book of Arboga - 1
Crystal Ball - 1
Full Helm - 1
Guillotine - 1
Helm 1 - 1
Helm 2 - 1
Horn of Discordance - 1
Ink and Quill - 1

None of the art we specifically design for use with Pathfinder Compatible products sells on their site.


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