The Twelve Days of Christmas (Day 1) - Awakened Demilich

Admittedly this post should have been up yesterday, but I got distracted (#skyrim). Then this morning I saw an email from Derek about the demilich and awakened demilich in the Bestiary 3. The awakened demilich should have probably gotten a full template write-up but probably was cut for space. As I'm not restricted by space requirements on this site I can flesh out Paizo's awakened demilich. This will not be perfect but it should give you something to work from.

To make full use of this entry you should have already bought Paizo's Bestiary 3 for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Mine hardback hasn't arrived but my subscriber digital copy is here.

The Awakened Demilich
“Demilich” is an acquired template that can be added to any lich. A demilich retains all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

CR: Same as base lich +3
Size: A demilich is two size categories smaller than its base lich.
Alignment: Any evil
Senses a demilich gains true seeing as a constant spell-like ability.
Armor Class: A demilich gains a size bonus from their reduced size, and a profane bonus to their Armor Class based on their Charisma modifier (unholy grace).
Saves: A demilich gains a profane bonus to their saves equal to their Charisma modifier (unholy grace).
Defensive Abilities:A demilich gains channel resistance +5; DR 20/--; immunity to acid, cold, electricity, magic and polymorph. The demilich also gains the following defensive abilities.
   Immunity to Magic (Su) A demilich is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells function differently against the creature, as noted below.
• A dispel evil spell deals 2d6 points of damage, with no saving throw.
• Holy smite affects a demilich normally.
• A power word kill spoken by an ethereal caster deals 50 points of damage to the demilich if it fails a Fortitude save (with a DC determined as though the spell allowed a saving throw).
• A shatter spell deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6), with no saving throw.
   Rejuvenation (Su) A destroyed demilich reforms in 2d6 days. To permanently destroy a demilich, holy water must be poured over its remains within the area of a hallow spell. To complete the destruction, holy word or dispel evil must be cast. If the caster succeeds at a caster level check with a DC equal to 10 + the demilich’s Hit Dice, the demilich is permanently destroyed. This replaces the liches version of rejuvenation.
   Unholy Grace (Su) A demilich gains a bonus on saves and a profane bonus to AC equal to its Charisma modifier.
Weaknesses: A demilich gains the following weakness.
   Vorpal Susceptibility (Ex) Vorpal weapons of any kind ignore a demilich’s damage reduction.
Speed: A demilich loses all base movement rates and gains fly 30 ft. (perfect).
Melee Attacks: A demilich loses all melee attack forms.
Special Attacks: A demilich loses the fear aura and paralyzing touch of its base lich but gains the devour soul ability instead.
  Devour Soul (Su) As a standard action with a range of 300 feet, a demilich can imprison the soul of a living creature within one of 10 special gems embedded in its skull. If the target succeeds at a DC (10 + ½ HD of the lich + Cha modifier) Fortitude save, it gains two permanent negative levels. If it fails, its soul is immediately drawn into one of the gems in the demilich’s skull. The soul remains trapped within the gem, visible as but a gleam except under true seeing. The soulless body corrupts and decays rapidly, reducing to dust in a single round. As long as the dead creature’s soul remains trapped in the gemstone, it cannot be restored to life via any means save direct divine intervention. Gems with souls trapped in them can be retrieved from a destroyed demilich, at which point they can either be crushed to release any souls within to their afterlife or used in the place of the usual material components to restore the soul and body with resurrection or true resurrection. After 24 hours, the demilich can choose to consume any soul trapped in a gem, healing it 1d6 hit points per Hit Die of the soul, at which point only miracle or wish can restore the dead creature to life. The save DC is Charisma-based, and includes a +2 bonus for the Ability Focus feat.
   Telekinetic Storm (Su) As a special use of its telekinesis spell-like ability, a demilich can churn up its treasure, dust, bones, and other loose debris in the area into a whirling storm about its skull. The storm obscures vision as a fog cloud within a 20-foot spread centered on the demilich’s skull. Creatures within the storm take 12d6 points of damage per round on the demilich’s turn (Reflex DC 20 for half damage). The demilich can maintain the storm indefinitely by concentrating.
Spell-Like Abilities:A demilich has a number of spell-like abilities with a caster level equal to its Hit Dice or 20th, whichever is higher.

   Constant – trueseeing
   At will – greater bestow curse (DC 16+Cha modifier), telekinesis (DC 15 + Cha modifier), wail of the banshee (20 ft. radius spread centered on the demilich, DC 19 + Cha modifier).

Greater Bestow Curse (Sp) This spell-like ability functions like bestow curse, but can have one of the following effects: –12 to one ability score; –6 to two ability scores; –8 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or a 25% chance to act normally. This ability is treated as a 6th-level spell.

Abilities: A demilich’s Str and Dexterity are modified by its new size.

Size                    Str          Dex
Fine                    -2            +4
Diminutive           -6            +4
Tiny                    -8            +4
Small                  -12          +4
Medium              -16          +4
Large                  -16         +2

Mental abilities for a demilich are Int 21, Wis 20, Cha 21 unless its base lich already possessed higher values.
Feats: Demilich gain Ability Focus (devour soul), Eschew Materials, Flyby Attack and Still Spell as bonus feats. 


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