Next Game Ideas
I have a number of game fragment ideas floating around in my head, so I thought I’d blort them out here for future reference. As I mentioned in my GameMarx interview, I had a great conversation with my boy Mark Harvey (CheckMark Games) about a game that involved learning a language. I had this idea that a player could walk around the world and explore, say, ruins of an aboriginal civilization. And on those ruins are pictographs, but we don’t know what they mean. Maybe the player also comes in contact with natives who also use those pictographs (cuniform, hieroglyphics… I don’t know the proper word) in speech bubbles to communicate. But the player doesn’t know what they mean. Over the course of the game, the player would make observations and encounter experiences that would reveal the meaning of the foreign language, and then would be able to use the language to complete some quest or task or storyline. At some point in time, I observed that all thes...