Busy, Busy, Busy...

My Pathfinder/DnDEssentials game was cancelled this weekend. Many of my players had other commitments and some fell ill suddenly so I had no game to prep and run this weekend. Which is kind of disappointed. The upside of this for Purple Duck Games' fans is that I had a whole day to work on the layout of two products.

Fiendish Dire Frog
The first is the next release of the Forgotten Encounters line called Forgotten Encounters: Urban. This second tome was written my Stefen Styrsky and features five encounters set in a city environments. It has ravids, hydrodaemons, doll demons, grigs, kamadans, junk elementals and potentially even a greed dragon. Plus some styxian gulpers (fiendish dire frogs) pictured to the left.

In addition, there is a new legendary weapon, a handful of city-based spells and a city magic wizard school.

An Angry Pugwampi
The second release is near and dear to my heart. It is the first release in the Otyughnomicon series called Otyughnomicon - Wyvern Spawn. The otyughnomicon is a series that I worked on the Grand OGL Wiki off and on for a period of three years. Since that time, the Pathfinder system was released, I created my own company with the help of Stefen Styrsky and I know have the privilege of publishing anything I want. It was about time I abused that privilege.

The otyughnomicon is a short pdf that will update or create a new template that can be applied to the aberration otyugh (from the core rules) or the magical beast otyugh (from the Grand OGL Wiki), as well as a new encounter, tokens for the new beasties and other bits of supporting content. Since all the new templated otyughs will need to be illustrated this will be a costly product for me to produce but I hope it will be well-received and will allow me to do many, many more.


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