Caverns of Anarchy (Room A3)

A3. The Private Holdings of Mekmep the Blue
The secret door that opens into the private holdings can be discovered with a Perception check (DC 22) and unlocked with a successful Disable Device check (DC 20) or with Mekmep’s key. The tunnel into Mekmep’s private holdings is only six feet high.

[box] The short tunnel leads into a long chamber stacked with crates, barrels, weapons and other treasure.[/box]

Within this hidden chamber, Mekmep hordes his share of the tribe’s treasure. Currently within this chamber there are two barrels of dwarven ale, four crates contain four pound sacks of sugar, 10 square yards of blue-green deepdale silk, three crates of carved wooden stakes, two masterwork spears, a masterwork sharpened pick and a bird feather token.


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