Caverns of Anarchy (Room A2)

A2. Private Chambers of Mekmep the Blue (EL 3; 805 XP including trap)
The door to this room is locked (Disable Device DC 20) and trapped with a poisoned dart trap. The key that Mekmep carries allows him to bypass this trap and gain access to his private chambers.

Poisoned Dart Trap CR 1
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect Atk +10 ranged (1d3 plus greenblood oil)

This room radiates a heat unlike that of the rest of the stone caverns. The floor of this large chamber have many shallow beds of smoldering coals. Across two of the beds lie dampened rolls of leather, which sizzle and steam. Lying on one of the covered beds is a white-scaled female kobold who begins to rise excitedly as you enter the room. To the north and south ends of the room, two female guards move to draw heated short swords from nearby beds.

If the player characters manage to disable the trap and unlock the door without causing too much commotion they will surprise the two guards and courtesan who reside in this room. If surprised, the kobold guards could be prevented from reaching their heated shortswords and will need to fight with daggers. Both the guards (kobold warrior 2) and courtesan (kobold courtesan 2; Ankcak) are females loyal to Mekmep. Additionally there is a small basin in the room filled with water for soaking the resting leathers, a daring guard could spit this water into a bed of hot coals creating an obscuring mist effect for 1d3 rounds.

Ankcak is adverse to personal risk, she will use her knowledge of the Common tongue and her skills as a negotiator to try to dissuade the player characters from killing her or her honor guard. She can offer the player characters information about the kobold forces or treasure from her horde (if nothing else will suffice). 


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