Back on July 1st, I blogged about the alien race known as the Femanx that caused onto Porphyra. It you didn't read it you can find the entry here . I believe I called them Femiax but I believe that name is closed content so in the final Races of Porphyra and Lands of Porphyra they will be address as Femanx. The other race that we have worked up for the letter F is the forlarren. Forlarren are the unfortunate offspring of demonic forces and nymphs. They are a very troubled race. We first worked with the folarren as a playable race back in Monstrous Races: The Second Wave and they turned out something like this. FORLARREN RACIAL TRAITS (0 RP) +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence: Forlarren are graceful and intuitive, but possess only a low cunning that serves their cruelty. (2 RP) Fey: Forlarren are of the fey type. Forlarren possess no racial hit dice and exchange the features of their fey type for the class features of a PC or NPC class. (0 RP) Medium : Forlarren are Medi...
If elections were held for King and Queen of gaming and geek culture, I imagine Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day would be on the short list of nominees. In fact, it was seeing a headline that Felicia Day was going to be hosting IndieCade that got me wondering if perhaps I should enter my game. When I was actually at IndieCade and saw Felicia at the awards party, I was really hoping that she’d walk around during the Press/VIP time and play some of the games. It would have been a thrill for me to show her my game. But alas, I never saw her. No big deal, but it’s kind of become a secret unfulfilled goal that’s stuck in my head. Well, not really a goal, because there’s not much I can do about it, but an unfulfilled “cool thing that would be really neat if it happened”. Every so often, I search for “Hidden in Plain Sight” on Google and Twitter to see if anyone is talking about it. The other day, I saw a post from someone named “Josie Kavadoy”, responding ...
We need more megadungeons for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. There is Dungeon-A-Day, obviously and Paizo has just released Dungeons of Golarion (but its more of an overview). We need a classic megadungeon You know the kind... It doesn't have much in the way of plot or even make a lot of sense from level to level but it does have: - pathways to the darklands - prisons for eldritch demons - ancient ruins - lost civilizations - legendary weapons - unexplainable magic (lost magic) - mines - slave pits - elemental nodes - water-filled passages - mazes - one way doors (heck secret doors) - traps - haunted levels - classic monsters (ropers, trapper, mimics, otyughs [especially otyughs], owlbears) - dragons - monsters too big to have ever fit down those hallways. - artifacts A classic megadungeon with everything wrong and right about it. Who is with me!
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