Khurasan: M5A3EPS Siler Main Battle Tank

Jon just posted up a preview on TMP .This will be the last bit of commission work from me until I have the Leviathan's in production. Jon says he still has a few more projects for me up his sleeve.

Jon's post:
The M5A3EPS Siler Main Battle Tank remains in service with some front-line Federal Marine divisions, and supplies the principal heavy-armour asset to the Marine Reserve Divisions and Federal Army Independent Heavy Tank Battalions, and to the Freehold military establishments as well. Over 50 years old, this venerable weapons system is older than most of its crewmen, but remains a formidable foe.
The tank mounts the M161 "Vulcan Cannon," a superheavy plasma cannon with an in-barrel plasma relay port. For missile defense and close-in protection against enemy personnel, it also mounts two M181 "Cohort" auto-track gatling guns.
Although it's been phased out of service in approximately 2/3rds of active service Federal Marine divisions in favour of the L-HAC, those marines who still crew the "concrete beast" (as it is affectionately known) swear by it -- although its rather complex drive system, with four independent tread systems, often makes Federal Marine MBT Techs swear at it instead.
This model, which has a hull that's about 90mm long, can provide some superheavy armoured support for those who don't like walkers or grav tanks. It was designed by me and Mark Mondragon, and rapid prototyped and rendered here by Mark. ETA, a month and a half or so.


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